The Wilson County Sheriff’s Office will be hosting a Drug Take Back Initiative on Saturday, October 28, for anyone wanting to dispose of unwanted and/or expired prescription and non-prescription drugs. The event will be held from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at:
1) Gibbs Pharmacy located at 1427 W Baddour Parkway Unit B, Lebanon.
2) Three Forks Marketplace located at 9000 Sparta Pike, Watertown.
The Mt. Juliet Police Department will also be hosting a site at Mt. Juliet Pharmacy located at 1097 Weston Drive, Mt. Juliet.
The Lebanon Police Department will be on hand at Walgreens in Lebanon at the 1303 West Main Street location.
Take Back Day events provide easy, no-cost opportunities to dispose of medicines stored in the home that are susceptible to abuse and theft. On October 28, agencies participating can also collect vape pens or other e-cigarette devices from individual consumers only after the batteries are removed from the devices. If the battery cannot be removed, individual consumers can check with large electronic chain stores who may accept the vape pen or e-cigarette devices for proper disposal.
Anyone who would like to drop off medication or drugs, prescription or other, can drop it off at the events on Saturday, October 28, with no questions asked. No syringes are accepted, whether used or new. And no inhalers will be accepted.
FREE lock boxes will be given out to those who drop off unwanted medications courtesy of DrugFree WilCo.
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