Tips to Help You Choose the Right Golf Bag


As you gear up for golf, you’ll find there is a wealth of equipment and gear out there to help make playing the sport more comfortable, enjoyable and competitive for you. Whether you’re just getting started and looking for tools to help you learn the sport or you’re a veteran working to improve your game, there’s a perfect golf bag out there for you.

A golf bag is an essential piece of gear, but you have five options to choose from based on how and where you generally play. Here’s your guide on how to choose the best bag based on your needs.

Which Golf Bag Is Best for You?

You may have thought buying a golf bag would be simple, with picking between color and pocket options like any other bag. But it’s a bit more complex than that. Here’s a look at the five golf bag types and what they are used for.

1. Stand Bag

If you engage in golf primarily to get exercise as you walk from hole to hole, you’ll find that a stand bag is very useful. These bags come with retractable legs so that you can easily prop them up on various terrain. That way, you can see and pick your clubs even when you don’t have a golf cart to prop your bag up on.

These bags are often lighter than cart bags since golfers will be carrying them. Without gear, a stand bag generally weighs only 3-6 pounds. But despite being light, the bags still have plenty of storage space, allowing you to carry up to 14 clubs (the maximum allowable based on USGA rules). You’ll also find more straps to carry it how it feels best to you.

Who Is It Recommended for?

The stand bag is best for golfers who want to walk the course instead of using a golf cart. So when you want maximum capacity without all the weight, turn to a stand bag.

What to Look for in a Stand Bag?

  • Padded shoulder straps
  • Lightweight design
  • Optional second strap to carry using both shoulders
  • Mixed-use pockets

2. Golf Cart Bags

When you plan to use a golf cart during your sessions, it’s best to invest in a golf cart bag. That’s because these bags are some of the most spacious options on the market.

These bags also often feature a strap to attach the bag to the cart for added security. They weigh more than a stand bag at 5-7 pounds but not quite as much as a tour bag.

Since you’ll be leaving this golf bag in the cart, you’ll want to consider how you arrange your clubs. Ensure that the shorter ones are in the bag closer to you while the longer ones sit behind them. That way, your clubs will be more accessible.

Who Is it Recommended for?

Get a golf cart bag when you intend to leave it in the golf cart the entire time. You don’t want to carry this bag around the course or have to move it in and out of the golf cart frequently.

What to Look for in a Golf Cart Bag?

  • Non-slip base
  • Cart strap to secure the bag
  • Added pockets for drinks and snacks

3. Golf Staff/Tour Bags

For golfers who want all the space they can get, a tour bag is the best way to go. But with added capacity also comes weight. These bags generally weigh about 10 pounds without any gear inside, making them some of the heaviest bag options available.

They get their name from the fact that most professional golfers use them while on tour. Because these bags can be bigger, they can also have some stylish features and designs.

You might be able to store and haul all your golf gear in this bag thanks to its size. Most golfers find they can carry 14 clubs, tees, balls, gloves, a jacket, and snacks and beverages.

Because these bags are heavy, you don’t want to carry them around the course. Plan to use it with a golf cart or a professional caddy.

Who Is It Recommended for?

Golfers looking for space and a cohesive way to store all golf equipment in one central place find that these bags are ideal for them. Tour bags are not for golfers who want to carry their own equipment throughout the course though. Generally, these bags also come with high-quality materials to last longer than some other styles, which makes these bags good for golfers who hate change.

What to Look for in a Golf Staff Bag?

  • Capacity
  • Pocket options
  • Size
  • A fitting style and design
  • Premium materials

4. Golf Carry Bags

Carry bags are perhaps the most popular golf bag option. They are ideal for golfers of all abilities and interests. These bags make it simple to transport essential clubs and accessories.

Carry bags come with many features, including some that have a retractable stand, much like a stand bag. These bags are optimized for carrying throughout the course with a lighter-weight design that doesn’t sacrifice capacity.

Much like stand bags, these bags often weigh 5-7 pounds and offer a nice middle-of-the-line bag for those getting into golf more.

Who Is it Recommended for?

Carry bags are for those who don’t want to pay for a golf cart or caddy and prefer to keep their equipment close at all times. Many golfers also use their carry bags as a storage resource for managing their golf equipment between games.

What to Look for in a Carry Bag?

  • Retractable stand
  • Padded shoulder strap for comfort
  • Ample pocket space

5. Golf Pencil/Sunday Bag

Golfers who use a Sunday bag are often looking for the lightest, simplest golf bag. These bags hold enough gear to play a round, but feature a minimalist design with no frills.

As such, you won’t have the capacity many of the other bags feature, but you’ll still have enough to get the job done without breaking your back to carry the bag throughout the course.

Who Is It Recommended for?

A Sunday bag is ideal for new golfers or those who want to play recreationally without the need for all the extra gear. You’ll find limited capacity in the bag to carry only a handful of clubs. But that’s ideal if you want as lightweight of a bag as possible. It’s also ideal for those who want to be able to dash out and play nine holes without lugging around tons of equipment.

What to Look for in a Pencil/Sunday Bag?

  • Lightweight design
  • Minimalist
  • Simple pockets
  • Less to clean out regularly


Swing in for 10% off All Golf Bags July 1- 3, 2023

choose the right golf bag

Play It Again Sports ~ Brentwood & Hendersonville is offering 10%* off all golf bags July 1 – 3, 2023. Whether you’re gearing up to start golfing or you want to upgrade your existing bag, swing in for some great deals.

*Sale does not include Cleveland Srixon Golf Bags. Cannot be combined with any sale, coupon, offer, discount or 5 Stars points or promotion.

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