Trick-or-Treat 2021: Safely Enjoy With a Few Simple Tips


From Empire Managed Solutions

Trick-or-treating took a creative turn in 2020. While COVID is still certainly present, our understanding of the illness and its transmission has improved. Both the CDC and Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of the nation’s top infectious disease specialists, have given the green light on trick-or-treating!

Experts say that, with a few safety precautions, trick-or-treating outdoors in small groups is safe. Kids should, “Go out there and enjoy Halloween. This is a time that children love,” Fauci stated.

We agree! Follow these few simple steps brought to you by Empire Managed Solutions and enjoy a great Halloween.

Wear a Mask – a Real One

Whether you are trick-or-treating or passing out candy, you may want to consider wearing a mask. Many costumes this year even creatively incorporate facemasks!

Stay Outdoors

Trunk-or-treat events or good, old-fashioned trick-or-treating outdoors is significantly safer and reduces transmission possibilities than participating in indoor events. The more fresh air and better ventilation, the better.

Keep it Small

It’s fun to go trick-or-treating with friends. But it’s best to keep the group gathering small. Avoid crowded areas, if possible. If a porch is packed with kids, hit the next house and come back to it.

Sanitize Often

While the possibility of transmission from candy wrappers is extremely low, it’s still a good idea to clean your hands with sanitizer often. And while you don’t have to put your candy in quarantine when you get home, you should still follow CDC hand washing guidelines and wash your hands with warm water and soap.

Make PPE a Part of Your Look

Wear proper Nitrile Gloves when handing out candy to trick-or-treaters. Or, if you find yourself on the receiving end, Nitrile Gloves can be helpful as you interact with high-contact surfaces like doorbells and door handles.

Skip the Treats and Don’t Share the Trick of Being Sick

You and your children are so excited for Halloween and trick-or-treating this year, as you should be. But if you or your child are sick or have been diagnosed with COVID, stay home. Don’t trick someone else just to get an extra treat. Knowingly putting others at risk for COVID is a trick no one wants.

Celebrate Halloween Safely

Stock up on masks, gloves  and sanitizer before the big night. You could even have sanitizer and disposable masks sitting out on a nearby table for your neighbors. Reach out to Empire Managed Solutions at (904) 343-5750 for questions or to place an order.

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