TennGreen Land Conservancy Celebrates Protection of 50,000 Acres in Tennessee

Devilstep Hollow Cave, Head of Sequatchie Unit, Cumberland Trail State Park – Photo by Chuck Sutherland

TennGreen Land Conservancy, a leading Tennessee environmental nonprofit, announced that it has reached a historic milestone: protecting over 50,000 acres of land across the state and Mid-South region.

The organization’s conservation efforts, both past and future, will benefit Tennesseans and wildlife at a time when Tennessee’s natural world faces unprecedented risks.

Some of TennGreen Land Conservancy’s notable achievements over the years include conserving land for public enjoyment at Virgin Falls State Natural Area, Fall Creek Falls State Park, Rock Island State Park, South Cumberland State Park, Justin P. Wilson Cumberland Trail State Park, the future Ducks Unlimited Park, and more.

In total, TennGreen Land Conservancy has completed 153 conservation projects—with more than a third of those projects completed in the past five years. This astonishing pace is reflective of people in communities across Tennessee seeking to protect their natural assets.

“Often, our parks and outdoor areas serve as centers for community, which is essential for a flourishing society,” continued Hudson Pell. “Without these shared natural spaces to convene, we risk losing opportunities to connect with nature and with each other. Also, conserved land can create outdoor recreation opportunities, such as hiking, fishing, and camping, which drives tourism and enhances the quality of life for all of us living and working here in Tennessee.”

To learn more about TennGreen Land Conservancy’s ongoing conservation efforts and how you can get involved, visit tenngreen.org today!


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