Smokin’ Aces CrossFit Competition: Poker Run Style


CrossFit Mount Juliet’s Inaugural “Smokin Aces” CrossFit Competition: Poker Run Style! Prizes for RX First Place $500, Second Place $250. After every completed event, each team will receive a playing card, and the best 5 card Poker Hand will win $250 (one winner for RX and Scaled)
This competition will be a mixed-gender partner competition with an RX and Scaled division. We will be limiting the competition to 60 teams. The early bird entry fee will be $160 (Promo Code CFMJ2021). After April 1 the price will be $180. We hope you will make plans to join us!

Division Standards:
Rx Division: Overhead Squat, Clean and Jerk, Shoulder to Overhead 135/95, Strict Handstand Push-ups, Double Unders, Chest to Bar Pull Up, Wall Ball Throws
Scaled Division: Shoulder to Overhead 95/65, Double Dumbbell Thrusters, Overhead Squats, Hang Clean and Jerk, Jumping Chest to Bar, Hand Release Push-Ups

Saturday, May 1 from 8 AM – 4:30 PM at CrossFit Mt Juliet 1754 N Mt Juliet Rd, Mt Juliet, TN 37122

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