Reed Timmer Coming to Middle Tennessee Today for Storm Recovery


We all know him from Storm Chasers and if you have any interest in weather, you know Reed! Dr. Reed Timmer, Extreme Meteorologist at AccuWeather, will be in Middle Tennessee today.

Timmer had posted on his social media that he will be in at the Clarksville, TN Sam’s Club today at noon with a U-Haul. He will be accepting donations for those that were affected by the severe storms and major tornado.

If you would like to donate, a team will be there accepting the donations and loading the truck. Timmer stated on his Instagram, “We’ve been in communication with a church group in Benton, KY and it sounds like the following are most in need:

Totes, tarps, sheets, pillows, blow up mattresses, strollers, car seats, trash cans, coolers, chainsaws, hammers, shovels, nails, screws, gloves, brooms, dustpans, gas and Walmart cards.”

If you are able to donate, many people would appreciate it and be very thankful. Many have not only lost their lives, but the ones that survived have lost their homes and other belongings.

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