People Loving Nashville to Host Health and Wellness Fair


People Loving Nashville, a local non-profit organization that brings relief, community, connection, and restoration to the most vulnerable and unhoused in Nashville, along with The Contributor and a slew of other local organizations and non-profits will host the first HopeFest on October 9th from 4 PM to 9 PM at War Memorial Plaza. The holistic health and wellness resource event will bring tangible short-term and long-term resources from local businesses, services, and organizations for those experiencing or near experiencing homelessness. This event is a would not be possible, without the support from the Tennessee Valley Authority Community Partnership.

For the last 15 years, People Loving Nashville has been serving the streets of the city every Monday night at the War Memorial Plaza by providing meals, clothing, and more. The HopeFest event is an extension of the regular night with combined resources from incredible organizations to help provide opportunities to care for the most vulnerable.
Resources available on October 9th include but are not limited to: Housing 101 Workshop, medical support, legal and financial assistance, job navigation, showers, meals, free clothing, and more. Organizations represented will include The Salvation Army, Office of Homeless Services, Step Up on Second, Shower Up, Shower the People, Soles 4 Souls, Tennessee Justice Center, Park Center, Uprise and the Oasis Center.

“We pray this is an evening of hope and tangible next steps,” shares Ryan Lampa of People Loving Nashville. “We hope to see the dignity of our community be revealed and energy in healthy directions. People Loving Nashville has never missed a Monday serving the community for the last 15 years. Continuing this tradition of relief, community and connection to resources while increasing our reach of collaboration excites me and our partner orgs to bring us together and join forces for increased impact.”

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