Mt. Juliet Police Reserve Officer Program Hosting Informational Meeting

From Mt. Juliet Police

Mt. Juliet Police Reserve

Mt. Juliet, Tenn. – Reserve police officers are an essential part of the Mt. Juliet Police Department team, and the department is looking for dedicated people who want to be involved in law enforcement and public safety. Are you looking for a meaningful and challenging opportunity that helps keep Mt. Juliet safe? If so, consider applying for the Mt. Juliet Police Department’s reserve police officer program.

The Mt. Juliet Police Reserve program is comprised of many community members who dedicate their time to fulfill many of the roles handled by full-time Mt. Juliet police officers. Reserve officers give a vital role in supplementing the sworn staff in essential public safety operations, which they all volunteer their time at no cost to the department. Every volunteer police officer performs various duties such as assisting in patrol operations, deploying during disasters, protecting the integrity of crime scenes, assisting with crowd & traffic control during special events, and providing security during municipal court and other city events.

Mt. Juliet Police reserve officers come from different backgrounds that enhance the Mt. Juliet Police Department with their unique skills and abilities. Currently, there are IT specialists, accountants, large company executives, and reserve and retired military officers in the rich mix of the reserve force. A blend of retirees and employed, the reserve officers are people who like to learn, have the time to commit, and are dedicated to serving their community. Once reserve officer candidates pass rigorous background checks, interviews, and a physical fitness obstacle course, they must undergo training conducted by police instructors.

To learn more about the program and how to apply, the Reserve Program is hosting an information session on Tuesday, August 17, 2021, at 7:00 p.m. at Mt. Juliet Police Headquarters, at 1019 Charlie Daniels Parkway. Those interested in the program and feel they meet the qualifications are encouraged to attend to get an application.

Potential reserve officer applicants must meet similar qualifications as full-time police officers, which include:

  • Must be at least 21 Years of age
  • Must be a high school graduate or equivalent
  • Must be a U.S. Citizen
  • Must not have been convicted of a felony or serious misdemeanor involving moral turpitude as the term is defined by law, and not having been released or discharged other than honorable conditions from any of the U.S. Armed Forces
  • Must have their fingerprints on file with the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation
  • Must pass a medical examination by a licensed physician
  • Must pass a drug screen by a licensed physician
  • Must have a good moral character as determined by a background investigation
  • Must be free of all apparent mental disorders as described in the Diagnosis and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Third Edition (DSM-11) of the American Psychiatric Association, and must be certified as meeting the criteria by a qualified professional in psychiatric and psychological fields
  • Must have a valid Tennessee drivers license

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