Mt. Juliet Police Coffee with a Cop November 18


From Mt. Juliet Police Department

Mt. Juliet Police will be having Coffee With a Cop on Friday, November 18, 2022, at Mt. Juliet Donut Shop, located at 286 Nonaville Road. Facebook info here!

The public is also invited and encouraged to attend. The police department leadership team and officers will be ready to enjoy simple conversation anytime between 7:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. this Friday.

Coffee With a Cop is an opportunity for the public to meet with officers in a relaxed environment and talk about anything — from crime issues to neighborhood programs and public safety management to how to join the force. The public brings the questions, chats with an officer, and gets a free cup of coffee.

“The simplicity is appealing: We show up, community members show up, and then we talk over coffee. It is a great way to build relationships with people in the community and hear about the concerns residents may have,” said Chief James Hambrick.

The Coffee With A Cop program is a non-traditional way to generate conversation between the police department and the community it serves. This event allows the public to interact with police officers in an informal setting to ask questions or address concerns with local law enforcement. Everyone is encouraged to stop by the Coffee With A Cop event to say hello and enjoy free coffee and snacks.

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