Middle Tennessee Schools Dismissing Early Due to Possible Storms – April 5, 2023


Some Middle Tennessee school districts are dismissing early on April 5, 2023 due to possible storms on Wednesday afternoon.

Below is information on early dismissals for our coverage area, which includes Cheatham, Davidson, Dickson, Maury, Robertson, Rutherford, Sumner, Williamson and Wilson counties.

Last update: April 5, 2023 12:35pm

Cheatham County School District
Dismissing at 1 p.m. on Wednesday, April 5. Lunch will be served to our students. All after-school activities are being cancelled today. This includes athletic games, the Cheatham Achievers program and extracurricular activities. Our after-school daycares will close at 5 p.m.

Dickson County Schools
Dismissing at 1:00 on Wednesday, April 5th, 2023. All afterschool campus events will clear by 5:00p.m. Daycares will close at 5:00.

Robertson County Schools
Dismissin 2 hours early on Wednesday, April 5th, 2023. This means your school dismissal time will be exactly 2 hours earlier than normal dismissal time. All afterschool events, including athletics, are cancelled. Extended care programs will close at 5pm.

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