Man Quickly Apprehended After Firing Shots at Vehicle Following Altercation


Press release from Mt. Juliet Police:

Mt. Juliet, Tenn. – Officers quickly apprehended a man after he fired shots at a vehicle following an altercation. Around 10:00 a.m. April 7, 2023, officers rushed to the area of McDonald’s, at 126 N. Mt. Juliet Road, in response to a reported shooting. Witnesses provided a detailed description of the individuals involved and their vehicles. Responding officers located the shooter’s vehicle, stopped it, and quickly apprehended the suspect near the intersection of Old Pleasant Grove Road and Pleasant Grove Road.

Gratefully, no one was injured in the shooting. Detectives determined that two adult males, unknown to each other, began to argue in the parking lot of McDonald’s after one’s comments upset the other. The argument escalated into further confrontation. As one adult male was leaving in a vehicle, 61-year-old Gregory Muller, Sr. of Mt. Juliet, fired a couple of shots from a handgun at the vehicle. Other patrons were in the parking lot and restaurant when the shooting occurred.

The 34-year-old man, who was shot at, fled the area. Detectives eventually tracked the individual down to confirm the detailed accounts from witnesses who assisted in the investigation.

61-year-old Gregory Muller, Sr. of Mt. Juliet, was booked into the Wilson County Jail, charged with one count of Aggravated Assault and seven counts of Reckless Endangerment.

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