Jump Rope: The Versatile Family Workout

Play It Again Sports ~ Hendersonville


Jumping rope probably makes you think of kids on a playground or someone incredibly agile or strong boxers. There’s a good reason why your preconceived notions have such a wide range. This seemingly simple piece of equipment provides incredible versatility for the whole family. But isn’t it just a rope? Really, what can you do with a jump rope? Glad you asked! Read on for all the reasons why jump ropes should be staples in your family’s sporting equipment stash and how to use them.

Jump Rope Anywhere, Anytime

One of the best things about jump ropes is their portability. Going on a business trip or family vacation? Throw your ropes in. A jump rope is the easiest and lightest workout equipment you’ll ever pack. Going for a walk or a hike? Take the ropes. Incorporate jump ropes into your walk or hike. Heading to the beach? You can jump rope there, too. Changing up the scenery and the terrain keeps the jump rope workout fresh, new and exciting.

What are the Benefits of Jumping Rope?

Jumping rope offers many benefits, not the least of which is a great cardio workout. It tones muscles, burns calories and improves agility. This makes it a great training partner for almost any sport. Whether you need balance, agility and control (golf and disc golf), exceptional footwork (football, soccer, basketball), or endurance to outlast the opponent (hockey), adding jump rope workouts to a routine for you or your child will provide unrivaled boosts.

Jump Rope for Heart Health

Our favorite aspect of being a part of this community is seeing people become active and healthy, as well as watching kids learn healthy habits and give to those around them. That’s why we are such big fans of the Jump Rope for Heart events taking place throughout schools.

This program educates children on the importance of making healthy choices and getting and staying active to fight off potential health complications such as heart disease later in life. There’s nothing better than the smile on a child’s face when they finally “get” it. Watching the learning process as children are taught how to jump rope, then perform impressive routines is inspiring, to say the least.

How Do I Jump Rope?

If it’s been a long time since you’ve jumped rope on the playground, you may be wondering the best ways to do it safely while still getting a great workout. We’ve got you covered. Quick tips include:

  • Stand straight and tall, head up
  • Elbows should be tucked back and stay relaxed
  • Maintain symmetry and keep your hands by your hips
  • Turn the ropes with your wrists (not elbows or shoulders)
  • Keep knees slightly bent and use a light, gentle bounce.
  • You don’t have to jump high. Find and keep a good rhythm.

Variances in the workout include

  • Basic jump
  • Alternating feet
  • Boxer skip
  • Duration
  • Weight of the rope
  • Interval training
  • Speed work

Play It Again Sports ~ Hendersonville and Play It Again Sports ~ Brentwood are proud to offer a wide selection of jump ropes to help you and your family get a healthy, versatile and fun workout. Stop in and save on new and gently used sports equipment at Play It Again Sports ~ Brentwood and Play It Again Sports ~ Hendersonville.

Play It Again Sports ~ Hendersonville
201 North Anderson Lane, Suite 300
Hendersonville, TN  37075
[email protected]
Hours: Monday – Friday: 10 – 7; Saturday 10 – 6; Sunday: 12 – 5

Play It Again Sports ~ Brentwood
1701 Mallory Lane, Suite 350
Brentwood, TN  37027
[email protected]
Hours: Monday – Friday: 10 – 8; Saturday 10 – 6; Sunday: 12 – 5

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