Here Are the Most Popular Halloween Costumes by State


If you are looking for a costume this Halloween, this list might help you decide.

In a study conducted by Father Mag, they shared there are 92 million costume-related searches in the US.

A few costumes make the list every year- witch, dinosaur, and clown costumes, but this year brings a new costume to the list – Squid Game costume, based on the Netflix show

The top five most popular costumes 

  • Squid Games
  • Witch
  • Princess
  • Cruella
  • Dinosaur

The most popular costume in Tennessee (along with 18 other states) is the witch costume. Next, the princess costume is popular in ten states and Cruella in seven states. While Squid Game costume is popular overall, there are only three states that currently show it as the most popular- New York, California, and Texas.

Take a look at the map below to see the most popular costumes, and if you are looking for a Squid Game costume, at this time there are no official costumes on the market. Here’s an easy DIY version here. 

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