Chlorine Shortage: Effects On Your Pool and Alternatives


By Peek Pool and Spas Unfortunately, gasoline isn’t the only shortage we expect to see this year. The upcoming 2021 summer season is at risk of a chlorine shortage, too. Here we will attempt to explain the root causes, the potential effects and what you, as a homeowner, can do to mitigate the risk of running out.

What’s Causing the Chlorine Shortage?

One of the biggest causes of the chlorine shortage is a trickle-down effect as a direct result of the COVID-19 pandemic. The pandemic shut everything down. No one went anywhere. Pools weren’t open. Yet summer still came. It still got hot. And funds earmarked for vacations were suddenly freed up. So backyard personal pools, both inground and above ground, exploded in sudden, unexpected growth.

This meant the typical usage of chlorine quickly accelerated. As if that wasn’t enough to reduce surplus levels of chlorine, there was a fire. But not just any fire. A massive fire at one of the only three domestic producers of chlorine tablets in the US burned to the ground in August 2020 immediately following the wrath of Hurricane Laura in Lake Charles, LA. Only two plants remained to meet an excessive demand.

What Does a Chlorine Shortage Mean?

It could be more difficult to acquire chlorine in various forms, including tablet, powder and liquid. Chlorine is an important component in keeping your pool clean, safe and healthy to use. It protects against water-spread illnesses as well as reducing the growth of algae, mildew and other contaminants.

It’s not just a challenge for backyard owners, but for pool service companies like Peek Pools as well. As your backyard pool supplier, we are working diligently to obtain supplies and find resources to provide the best solutions for our clients.

Peek Pools

What are Alternatives to Chlorine?

While chlorine is certainly one of the most common and easy ways to maintain your pool, there are other ways to stay safe and healthy this summer.

  • Convert to saltwater. One option is to convert your fresh water, chlorinated pool to a saltwater pool. Saltwater pools create their own chlorine and operate on a different system using less chlorine from the beginning.
  • Mineral packs. Alternatives like mineral packs can help reduce algae and other issues.
  • Maintain your pool. Important steps like filtration and circulation aid in keeping the pool clean.
  • Contact Peek Pools. We may have alternative solutions custom-made for your pool and lifestyle.

Call Early, Schedule Now

Contact Peek Pools at 615-866-8800 as soon as possible to get on the schedule. We can help open your pool and provide you with options to keep your pool safe and fun all summer long.

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