2021 Fall Baseball Registration – Lebanon


The league is for players age 5-12. Players that turn 13 prior to May 1, 2022 are not eligible for Fall Ball. Deadline to signup is Friday, August 6. Registration Fee will increase $10 if registering after deadline. League play will begin on August 23 and run through September 30th. Games will be played on weeknights and or Saturdays (Weeks of games and days will be based on player participation). Divisions will include Coach Pitch 5/6, Coach Pitch 7/8, Minor 9/10, Major 11/12. Players will play Fall Ball as the age they will play Spring 2022 based on Little League and Dixie Youth sanction date of birth cutoffs.

Play is instructional and score is kept but not standings, with official umpires. Cap and jersey provided.
Once player registration and fee is submitted there are NO REFUNDS FOR ANY REASON.

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