Wilson County Sheriff’s Deputy Retires After Honorable Career

chris king
Photo by Wilson County Sheriff's Office

Longtime deputy enters retirement after an honorable career

The retirement day has come for Deputy Chris King, known throughout all of Wilson County for his huge heart, kindness, and integrity during a career that spanned several decades. A true public servant, King leaves behind a legacy that will be an example for future generations to follow because of his innate ability to live by life’s golden rule; treating others the way you would want to be treated.

King’s priorities in life began with his faith, then family, and followed by public service. His loyalty to all three never faltered throughout his stellar career and became apparent when you interacted with him.

During his retirement party today in front of coworkers and friends, he ended with this, “I didn’t ever have to look behind me to see if anyone was there because you always were.”

Although selfishly we hate to see him leave, we fully support his retirement and wish him well wherever life continues to take him. We thank you, sir, for a job well done and appreciate your service to this office and to the citizens of Wilson County.

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