Wilson County EMA Seeks Donations of Winter Survival Items for Community Members in Need

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With frigid temperatures on the way, Wilson County Emergency Management is collecting items to help those in need during the cold snap.

Items Needed:
Sleeping bags
Small, one-person tents
Hand/foot warmers
Gift cards for local fast-food restaurants to provide warm meals

Wilson County EMA will be out in the community distributing these items to help keep them warm.

Donations will be accepted until Sunday at 5:00 pm. Donations can be dropped off during the week from 8:00 am until 4:00 pm at WEMA Headquarters located at 110 Oak Street in Lebanon. This weekend, there will be a spot designated at the front door for drop-off that will be checked periodically throughout the day.

If you are in need of shelter or know someone who does, call 615-489-9129 or 615-489-2796.

If you have questions about donations, contact the numbers above or email [email protected].

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