Which Bait or Lure? Crowd Source Data Answers Questions


There’s no “one-size-fits-all” answer to the timeless dilemma of which bait or lure to use. Which is why the top free fishing app is using the experience and success of millions of global app users to help anglers determine what’s working on the water.

Now, every time an angler logs a catch on the FishAngler app and includes what it was caught on, the app aggregates the data by species and provides top gear recommendations. Simply type the name of a fish species into the database of over 33,000 species to access the most successful lures, baits, and other tackle and equipment used to target species.

“We have a treasure trove of data just collecting on the app, so we made the decision to use it to help app users catch more fish.” says Jonas Stawski, CTO, FishAngler.

In addition to the robust suite of utility features the app offers, like GPS maps, tide tables, and a data-rich forecast menu, app users can also view and submit reviews on gear. Anglers around the world can now share what gear produces the best results on a 5-star rating system, including comments, and the ability to rate whether the feedback was helpful or not.

User-submitted recommendations and reviews advise everything from how to get to work to what’s for dinner. With wildly varying weather patterns and shifting fisheries ecology, why would recommendations on baits, lures and fishing spots operate any differently?

Download the #1 FREE fishing app today for top gear recommendations and reviews on your fishing favorites.

About the FishAngler App: As a leading name in fishing technology, the FishAngler app’s goal is to foster a community of anglers who can explore new fishing spots with GPS fishing maps, catch more fish using data-rich forecast features and connect anglers with crowd-sourced data from logged catches, fishing reports, and more.

“I wanted to bring innovation to the fishing industry and build something unique that captures one’s local fishing knowledge, memories and stories across generations.” – Tom Wye, CEO

Follow FishAngler on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter. The FishAngler app runs on Apple and Android devices. Download the app from the App Store or Google Play. For more information, visit www.fishangler.com.

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