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Types of Celebrities RAM Entertainment Can Book

Celebrity talent booking is an involved and complicated process. It starts with researching the talent that would be a good fit for your event and extends to booking travel and hotel accommodations for the talent and their crew.

As you consider the best options for your event, consider how RAM Entertainment and Special Event Services can support you in finding celebrity talent.

Types of Events RAM Entertainment Supports

Before getting too deep into what you can expect when working with a high-quality talent booking company like RAM Entertainment, here’s a look at the types of events the company supports.

RAM does not support securing talent for ticketed sale concerts that are open to the general public.

Steps Involved in Booking Celebrity Talent

Whether you’re seeking the top country music star of today to headline your festival or you want a legendary rock act, the steps to producing the show are long.

It starts with discussing your budget and the style of talent you’re looking for. If you aren’t sure, your event producer can help you evaluate your audience to guide you toward recognizable celebrities who fit your event and audience type. These are some of the steps RAM Entertainment can complete for you.

Every event is unique and has varying requirements for talent based on the venue, its capabilities and the style of the event. RAM Entertainment has produced hundreds of events since 1988 and can support you with as many or as few of these steps as necessary.

Types of Celebrities RAM Entertainment Can Book


RAM Entertainment has more than 35 years of experience booking and managing talent for all types of events. Some of the types of celebrities they’ve booked include the following:

Start Your Celebrity Booking Now

The sooner you get started with your celebrity booking, the wider array of talent you’ll have access to. Schedules book up quickly as event dates draw near, which can limit venues, production crews and more.

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