December 2, 2024 – Mt. Juliet Police Department’s proactive Operation Safe Shopper initiative ensured a safe holiday shopping weekend. Officers made 10 arrests, including 7 individuals with active warrants. Impressively, other than two shoplifters caught in the act, no other thefts were reported during one of the busiest shopping periods of the year.
Mt. Juliet faces a challenge: outside criminal influences that lead suspects to attempt crime, especially retail theft, inside the city. To counteract this, Operation Safe Shopper deploys increased uniformed patrols, undercover officers, and advanced technology to safeguard shopping centers and provide an extra layer of safety to residents and visitors. This initiative heavily targets the popular Interstate 40 retail destinations and will continue through the New Year.
Weekend Arrest Highlights
Friday, November 29
- 40-year-old male (Columbia): Arrested for unlawful possession of methamphetamine and resisting arrest after appearing under the influence in a parking lot.
- 20-year-old male (Lebanon): Arrested for failure-to-appear Nashville warrants related to armed robbery and carjacking after officers stopped a vehicle for a window tint violation and identified him as the passenger.
Saturday, November 30
- 39-year-old male (Nashville): Arrested for probation violation warrants out of Madison County for burglary and theft. His vehicle was as associated with a wanted person.
- 48-year-old female (Nashville): Arrested for a Wilson County warrant for child support after her vehicle was associated with a wanted person.
- 35-year-old male (Crossville): Arrested for probation violation Nashville warrants involving charges of kidnapping, reckless endangerment, and unlawful weapon possession after a stop-sign violation.
Sunday, December 1
- 33-year-old male (Nashville): Arrested for Rutherford County warrants including driving on a suspended license, leaving a crash scene, and failing to appear in court. His vehicle was stopped for speeding.
- 58-year-old male (Nashville): Arrested for Wilson County warrants, including driving on a suspended license and parole violation, following a stop for a registration issue.
- 39-year-old male (Lewisburg): Arrested for a failure-to-appear Rutherford County warrant related to driving on a suspended license. Contact was made after he illegally parked in a handicapped spot.
- Two 22-year-old females (Lebanon): Caught shoplifting after an officer observed suspicious behavior at Walmart.
Key Components of Operation Safe Shopper
- Increased Patrols: Officers maintain a strong, visible presence in shopping centers.
- Zero-Tolerance Policy: Shoplifters face immediate arrest and booking.
- Mobile Surveillance Towers: Strategically placed in parking lots for added security.
- Undercover Operations: Plainclothes officers monitor crowds and respond to suspicious activities.
- Guardian Shield Technology: Tools designed to detect stolen vehicles, plates, and wanted individuals.
Additionally, officers actively manage traffic flow to address congestion, making real-time adjustments with the help of city traffic engineers to keep shoppers moving efficiently.
Safety Tips for Shoppers
While Shopping:
- Stay aware of your surroundings and report suspicious behavior immediately.
- Use credit or debit cards instead of carrying cash.
- Lock vehicle doors and conceal packages out of sight.
- Keep purses close to your body; secure wallets in inside coat or front pockets.
- Teach children to find a police officer or store management if they get separated.
In Parking Lots:
- Park in well-lit areas and stay vigilant while walking to your car.
- Shop with friends for added safety.
- Keep car keys ready as you approach your vehicle.
- Avoid leaving valuables visible in your car.
- Return to a populated area and call the police if you notice suspicious activity.
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