OBITUARY: Carol Boulton

Carol Boulton

Carol Boulton passed away on November 5, 2021 at age 60.

The Funeral Service is at 2 p.m. Tuesday, November 9, 2021 in the chapel of Sellars Funeral Home, Lebanon TN, and will be followed by interment in Gordonsville Cemetery. Visitation is 11 a.m. until the service at 2 p.m. on Tuesday.

Carol Ann Boulton was born to Anna Schreck and Carl Reich in Fort Ord, California. She worked as an Administrative Assistant for Cracker Barrel and enjoyed crafts, sewing, and gardening.

She is survived by children James (Crystal) Boulton and Julia Boulton, grandchild Camri Johnson, siblings Mark McIntosh, Carl Reich, and Noreen Henry, numerous nieces and nephews, and faithful companion Layla.

She is preceded in death by mother Ann McIntosh.

Sellars Funeral Home, Lebanon TN, 615.444.9393.

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