Medical Cannabis Bill Dies in TN Senate Judiciary Committee


A medical cannabis bill failed in the Senate Judiciary Committee on February 28, 2023,

Senate Bill 1104, introduced by Tullahoma Republican Janice Bowling, failed on nearly a party-line vote Memphis senators London Lamar and Sara Kyle, both Democrats, were joined by one Republican, Springfield Sen. Kerry Roberts, in the minority of the vote., reports WKRN.

As introduced, Senate Bill 1104 (“Tennessee Medical Cannabis Act”) would establish a functional framework within which to authorize access to medical cannabis on a regulated basis for patients with qualifying medical conditions and which licenses and regulates the processes for cultivating, producing, distributing, transporting, selling, and acquiring cannabis for medical use and research. Qualifying medical conditions include cancer, glacoma, multiple sclerosis, end-of-life pain management or palliative care, fibromyalgia and more.

Other cannabis-related bills have also failed in the legislature.

Another version of a medical cannabis bill, HB0172, which is by Representative Jesse Chism (D-Memphis), has also yet to make it through committees.

As of February 21, 2023, the medical cannabis bill was temporarily taken off notice in the House. In the Senate, the bill was assigned to the General Subcommittee of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

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