Improve Your Golf Game With 5 At-Home Exercises


A perfect golf swing is complex and includes multiple variables within your body’s physiology. Sure, you may think more visits to the driving range and some lessons will help your drive, but your power and finesse starts with your body.

Building muscle, improving your core strength, and increasing your flexibility can help your swing before you get on the course. Some simple at-home exercises with minimal equipment can have you driving further and playing better!

1. Russian Twists with Stability Ball

Adding a stability ball to Russian Twists works your core and helps with the flexibility needed in your hip and spine rotation to maximize your back swing and your follow through.

  • Lay back on your stability ball with your feet flat on the floor and your knees at a 90-degree angle while raising your hips.
  • Hold your hands together and raise them above your chest.
  • Rotate your arms and torso to the left side while the ball rolls across the back of your shoulders, keeping your feet flat and your hips up.
  • When your arms are parallel to the floor, pause for a few seconds, and then slowly return to the starting position and work to the right side. Count this as one repetition.
  • Repeat 10-15 times.

Be sure to engage your core during this exercise rather than your backs and hips.

2. Medicine Ball Lift

Building core strength is essential for balance and powering your golf swing. Medicine Ball Lifts engage your core to help your balance and power your golf swing, and builds arm and chest muscles for accuracy in your swing.

  • Kneel on one leg while your other foot directly in front.
  • Hold a medicine ball down at your left hip with both hands.
  • With your arms extended, bring the ball up to your chest and lift further up across your body to the right shoulder.
  •  Repeat this exercise 10 times and do it the opposite direction by switching your kneeling position and moving the ball from the right hip up to the left shoulder.

3. One-Legged, Single-Arm Deadlift

This modified deadlift exercise targets nearly all the muscles needed for golf, and especially your hamstrings. Since hamstrings are prone to injuries, be sure to warm up before beginning this exercise.

  • Begin standing with your feet hip-width apart and parallel.
  • Hold a kettlebell or dumbbell in your left hand down in front of your thigh.
  • Lean forward in your hips, shifting your weight onto your right leg while your left leg lifts and starts to extend straight behind you with your toes pointed to the floor.
  • Pitch your body forward until your body forms a “T” shape. Your left arm should be hanging straight down, holding onto the weight. Keep a slight bend in your standing leg.
  • Slowly bring in your extended leg and slowly return to the starting position.
  • Repeat for 10-20 repetitions and then switch to the other leg and arm and repeat.

4. One-Legged Row

This exercise improves hamstrings, hips, back and shoulders, which are imperative for a successful, stable, and safe swing.

  • Hold one dumbbell or kettlebell in one hand and bend your torso forward, balancing on the opposite leg with the other extended behind you.
  • Pull the dumbbell toward your torso, lower it and return to an upright position.
  • Repeat this exercise 10-20 times and repeat on the opposite side.

5. Exercise Ball Pushup

Pushups work your chest, triceps, and shoulders. Adding the exercise ball and changing up your hand placement challenges the small, vitally important, shoulder blade muscles that are essential for smooth shoulder and back movement during your golf swing.

  • Start in a pushup position, with your hands on the exercise ball with fingers facing outwards and feet on the floor.
  • Lower yourself so your chest barely touches the ball. Keep yourself stable by squeezing your glutes and core.
  • Control the ball as you push up, pushing your chest as far away from the ball as possible.
  • Repeat for a set of 10-15.

The trick to this exercise is to keep the ball still and your posture as straight as possible to really engage all of those shoulder muscles.

Improve Your Golf Game with exercise gear and equipment at Play It Again Sports ~ Brentwood & Hendersonville

Improving your golf game includes at home muscle and core development, increasing your flexibility as well as professional lessons! All of the above exercises can be done in your home, garage, or home gym with kettlebells, dumbbells, medicine balls, and exercise balls found at Play It Again Sports ~ Brentwood & Hendersonville!

Whether you are looking to get that extra power behind your swing, or to add some balance and finesse to your chips, Play It Again Sports ~ Brentwood & Hendersonville have new and gently used equipment to help you step up your golf game.

Looking for new and gently used golf equipment? They have you covered with all of the golf equipment needed for the season including, golf clubs, golf bags, golf shoes and cleats, golf balls (regular and foam), golf travel bags, golf ball markers, golf gloves, tees, and so much more!

Golf Cleat Sale at Play It Again Sports ~ Brentwood & Hendersonville: August 15 – 31, 2022: 10% Off Golf Cleats


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