Anyone can tell you … if you’re having fun while working out, you’re more likely to keep doing it. And fun means keeping it fresh, switching things up and even throwing in a seasonal theme for an added laugh.
Getting Started
A kettlebell workout gives you almost limitless options of full body strength training and a cardio burst. But like every workout, safety first. Start with a five-minute warm up to get the oxygen levels increased to your blood and muscles. Jog, hop on the rowing machine, or pick up a jump rope. Now, it’s time to grab your kettlebell set and get ready to have some autumn fun!
Autumn Kettlebell Workout
As you go through the workout, rest 30 seconds between each exercise. Repeat the entire set three times.
- Chop Wood (60 seconds) The woodchop motion is great for upper body, core and lower body. Begin in a squat with the kettlebell on the outside of your right leg. Straighten your legs as you swing the kettlebell in a diagonal motion upward until you are standing upright with the kettlebell above your left shoulder. Switch sides/directions after 30 seconds.
- Pumpkin Push-ups (60 seconds) Doing push-ups on a kettlebell is not only more interesting, but it gives you more options. You can use one kettlebell and one flat palm on the ground to isolate one side for a plyometric workout, then switch sides at 30 seconds. Or you can use two identical sized kettlebells. Using kettlebells not only changes your hand position, which changes the muscle groups working, it also allows you to go down deeper than if your hands are flat on the ground.
- Football Sit-Ups (60 seconds) Nothing says fall in Tennessee like football! These sit-ups are easy to master yet challenging to build abdominal muscles across the front and sides. Alternate side-to-side in a crunch position with your kettlebell.
- Falling Leaves (60 seconds) Holding the kettlebell in both hands at chest level, complete alternating curtsy lunges, focusing on form and depth. With the torso always facing forward (don’t twist), start with feet facing forward and a little wider than hip width apart. Step one leg behind the other in a curtsy and drop into a lunge. Alternate.
- Pumpkin Pick Up (60 seconds) Stand with the kettlebell extended overhead in one hand. While keeping the kettlebell overhead, squat down and touch the ground with the other hand. Return to standing. Switch arms at 30 seconds.
Kettlebell Savings!
Stop into Play It Again Sports ~ Brentwood & Hendersonville and Save.
October 1 – 17, 2021, enjoy 10% off all NEW Kettlebells!
We’ve Got the Gear!
The experts at Play It Again Sports ~ Hendersonville and Play It Again Sports ~ Brentwood want you to fall into fitness this season with a great kettlebell workout. When you’re ready to pick up a few kettlebells, stop into Play It Again Sports ~ Brentwood & Hendersonville. And, while you are there, check out their new and gently used sports and fitness gear and equipment to help you achieve all your autumn fitness goals.
Play It Again Sports ~ Hendersonville
201 North Anderson Lane, Suite 300
Hendersonville, TN 37075
[email protected]
Hours: Monday – Friday: 10 – 7; Saturday 10 – 6; Sunday: 12 – 5
Play It Again Sports ~ Brentwood
1701 Mallory Lane, Suite 350
Brentwood, TN 37027
[email protected]
Hours: Monday – Friday: 10 – 8; Saturday 10 – 6; Sunday: 12 – 5
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