BBB Warns of Fake Postal Service Website

fake website alert

via AgeWell of Middle Tennessee

According to the Better Business Bureau (BBB), scammers are creating websites that mimic the United States Postal Service (USPS), which offers an online change of address form. These fake sites charge excessive amounts whereas the authentic USPS charges only $1.05 for submitting an online form. Not to mention, sharing your personal information on these bogus sites, opens you up to possible identity theft.

BBB Tips on How to Avoid Fake Websites:

Double-check the URL before you enter personal and payment information. Before you enter any sensitive information, double-check that you are on the right website and that the link is secure. (Secure links start with “HTTPS://” and include a lock icon on the purchase page.)

Be wary of third-party websites. Some websites appear to offer a legitimate service but are only fronts for a scam. Be suspicious of websites with no working customer service number and no physical address. Typos and grammatical errors can be indications of a scammer’s handiwork, too.

Make online purchases with your credit card. Fraudulent charges made on a credit card can usually be disputed, whereas that might not be the case with other payment methods.

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