5 Great Pizza Places In Wilson County


Ok, we know this particular subject can get a ‘lil saucy. Everyone’s definition of a good or great pizza is not the same. Brooklyn or Chicago style? Thin and Crispy or Pan?

And while we are not here to debate who is right or wrong, we did go to Google reviews to find out who the people of Wilson County, TN, think has the best pizza in the county.

  • Calabria Brick Oven Pizza – ( Presently closed due to the floods, but, a quick check of their Facebook page says hopes are to open sometime this month)- Mt. Juliet, TN- 1209 N Mt Juliet Rd. – 795 reviews and a 4.7 rating out of 5 put Calabria at the top of our list. According to the reviews, it’s all about the brick oven and the freshness of the ingredients..And don’t forget on the way out to “leave the gun and grab the cannolis” (The Godfather)
  • Painturo’s – Mt. Juliet- 12910 Lebanon Rd – 365 reviewers give Painturo’s a 4.6 rating with most saying service and quality pizza were their top reasons for such praise.
  • Bellacino’s Pizza and Grinders – Lebanon- 325 TN-109 – 831 people give this Lebanon, TN a 4.4 review. A good pizza place doesn’t just know pizza. It also knows sandwiches, and Bellacino’s oversized grinders served on fresh-baked bread, seem to be a favorite of many in Wilson County,TN.
  • Marco’s Pizza– Mount Juliet -When 250 Google reviewers give a delivery chain 4.5 stars, we kinda take notice. Marco’s pizza is this writer’s go-to for delivery every time, good to see others agree.
  • Nona Lisa Pizzeria – Watertown- 360+ Google reviewers give this Watertown spot a 4.7 rating on Google. Located at 208 E Main St. You gotta get it to go as there is no dine-in or delivery. Reviewers suggest grabbing a gelato with that pie.

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  1. Can’t believe you don’t mention David’s Pizza. People from Gallatin and all around flock to David’s as it’s the only one left like it. That pizza taste was started in the 60’s by Paul Foster at a little place in Gallatin and has it’s own special taste. Other siblings have opened their restaurants with this same pizza and now there is ONLY David’s. I think it’s now owned by a distant relative but it still taste almost the same. Those who started with Paul still follow with David’s Pizza and there seems to be no other that gets it right!