12 Days of HIITmas – 12 Days of High Intensity Interval Training for the Holidays


Santa needs a HITT! HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) is a workout structured to get your heart pumping in a shorter period of time.

When you’re as busy as Santa, making toys, wrapping gifts, and scheduling a Christmas Eve delivery schedule, fitness is probably the last thing on your mind.

But staying healthy during the holiday season is crucial, for Santa and YOU, especially this year.  Why not easily boost your immune system by engaging in a short HIIT (High-Intensity Interval Training) holiday-themed workout each day for 12 days?

Keep it short, fun-themed, and powerful. You don’t need much equipment, a yoga mat, a medicine ball, a kettlebell, and a set of dumbbells will do.

Jumping jacks or jump squats will begin and end each workout. These exercises are a good way to get your heart rate up at the beginning of your session and to push yourself to failure at the end of the session.

You’ll want to do your last set of jumping jacks or jump squats until failure at the end of each workout. Only take a 30-45 second break in between sets and exercise changes to get the most out of your HIIT workout.


Day One: A Partridge in A Pear Tree ~ Tree Push-Ups

Jumping Jacks (3×20)
Push-Ups Against a (Pair) Tree (or a wall) (3×20)
Jump Squats (3×15)
Medicine Ball Sit-Ups (3×15)
Bicycle Abs (3×20)
Jumping Jacks – To Failure

Day Two: 2 Turtle Doves ~ Do this Workout with Your Turtle Dove Friend

Jumping Jacks (3×20)
Bicep Curls with Dumbbells (3×15)
Lunges with Dumbbells (3×15)
Push-Ups (3×20)
Jump Squats – To Failure

Day Three: 3 French Hens ~ Triangle Push Up

Jumping Jacks (3×20)
Triangle Push-Ups (3×15)
Medicine Ball Squats (3×15)
Shoulder Press with Dumbbells (3×15)
Russian Twist with Medicine Ball (3×20)
Jump Squats – To Failure

Day Four: 4 Calling Birds ~ Call/FaceTime a Friend for this Workout

Jumping Jacks (3×20)
Tricep Extension with Dumbbells (3×15)
Medicine Ball Squats (3×15)
Medicine Ball Sit-Ups (3×20)
Jumping Jacks – To Failure

Day Five: 5 Golden Rings ~ Kettlebell Raises

Jump Squats (3×15)
Kettlebell Raises (3 x15)
Dumbbell Lunges (3×15)
2 Minute Plank
Dumbbell Squats (3×15)
Jumping Jacks – To Failure

Day Six: 6 Geese A Laying ~ Goblet Squats

Jumping Jacks (3×20)
Goblet Squats (3×15)
Bicep Curls with Dumbbells (3×15)
Tricep Extension with Dumbbells (3×15)
2 Minute 30 Second Plank
Jumping Jacks – To Failure

Day Seven: 7 Swans a Swimming ~ Butterfly Sit Ups

Jump Squats (3×15)
Butterfly Sit-Ups (3×15)
Bicep Curls with Dumbbells (3×15)
Lunges with Dumbbells (3×15)
Push-Ups (3×20)
Jumping Jacks – To Failure


Day Eight: 8 Maids a Milking ~ Calf Raises

Jumping Jacks (3×20)
Calf Raises (3×25)
Shoulder Press with Dumbbells (3×15)
Russian Twist with Medicine Ball (3×20)
Medicine Ball Squats (3×15)
Jump Squats – To Failure

Day Nine: 9 Ladies Dancing ~ Bootie Kicks

Jumping Jacks (3×20)
Bootie Kicks (3×20)
Tricep Extension with Dumbbells (3×15)
Push-Ups (3×15)
Shoulder Press with Dumbbells (3×15)
Jumping Jacks – To Failure

Day Ten: 10 Lords a Leaping ~ Jump Squats

Jumping Jacks (2×50)
Jump Squats (3×15)
3 Minute Plank
Shoulder Press with Dumbbells (3×15)
Bicep Curls with Dumbbells (3×15)
Jumping Jacks – To Failure

Day Eleven: 11 Pipers Piping ~ High Knees

Jump Squats (3×15)
High Knees (3×25)
3 Minute Plank
Lunges with Dumbbells (3×15)
Bicycle Abs (3×20)
Jumping Jacks – To Failure

Day Twelve: 12 Drummers Drumming ~ Burpees

Jumping Jacks (3×20)
Burpees (3×15)
3 Minute Plank
Tricep Extension with Dumbbells (3×15)
Medicine/Wall Ball Squats (3×20)
Jump Squats – To Failure

Play It Again Sports ~ Brentwood & Hendersonville has everything you’ll need to knock out the Twelve Days of HIITmas workout: • Medicine Ball/Wall Ball • Dumbbells * Kettlebells • Yoga Mat

Stop Into Play It Again Sports ~ Brentwood & Hendersonville for NEW and Gently Used HITT

Workout Equipment Options and check out their 12 Very Merry Holiday Deals!

Very Merry Holiday Deals:

* 12 Very Merry Holiday Deals (1/Day)
* Holiday Hot Buy Must-Haves (available all season)
* 10% Off Gift Cards (no color preferences or sizes needed)

Play It Again Sports ~ Brentwood
1701 Mallory Lane, Suite 350
Brentwood, TN  37027
[email protected]
Hours: Monday – Friday: 10 – 8; Saturday 10 – 6; Sunday: 12 – 5

Play It Again Sports ~ Hendersonville
201 North Anderson Lane, Suite 300
Hendersonville, TN  37075
[email protected]
Hours: Monday – Friday: 10 – 7; Saturday 10 – 6; Sunday: 12 – 5

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